about the modality

MELT is...

the perfect combination of infrared sauna heat and vibration mobility equipment will leave your muscles feeling relaxed, pliable, and restored to a new resting length.

A MELT session can...

  • Bring blood flow to stiff muscles to renew flexibility
  • Initiate the natural healing process to painful soft tissue
  • Enhance active range of motion of the torso, arms, and legs

A MELT session is beneficial for all bodies, especially...

  • Athletes of all levels, especially those participating in repetitive motion activities
  • Those who sit all day, most days
  • Those looking to unleash and improve their functional mobility
  • Movers who want access to a range of vibration equipment in one sitting
We love MELT for the immediate impact it has on helping you move with ease and fluidity. The dual modalities of heat and highly effective vibrational mobility equipment alleviates nagging pain and renews muscular relaxation.

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Session Details

What to expect:

Clock - Gymfit X Webflow Template
Sunlighten mPulse Believe Infrared Sauna, Hypersphere by HyperIce, Vyper by HyperIce
What to wear:
Comfortable athletic clothes
What to BRING:
Aches and tension to MELT away